Sitemap - 2021 - Three Data Point Thursday

News From Sven β€” 3 Questions, 3 Challenges, Talk at BigTechDay

Levels, Hamel Husain on MLOps, Julia; ThDPTh #51

Thoughtful Friday #5: Build a (Data Mesh) Self-Serve Platform Step-by-Step

Kolibri Data Mesh; Mathematicians; Redash; ThDPTh #49

DAGs suck; FAIR Data; E(t)LT(P); ThDPTh #48

Thoughtful Friday #4: The Three Biggest Challenges Of Data and Maybe of the Business World

Platforms; Dbt; Apache Iceberg in 2 sentences; ThDPTh #47

Data is Expensive; Dbt Refactoring; Data Mesh Platform Architecture; ThDPTh #46

Thoughtful Friday #3: A Deep Dive into Hex Technologies (Or Any Other Data Company)

MeltanoLabs; Analyst Success; Federated Computational Governance; ThDPTh #45

5x a data team at Postman, 13 kinds of network effects, Meltano extends beyond ETL; ThDPTh #44

Thoughtful Friday #2: Where is the First True Data Platform?

Hex gets exciting! Malloy; Autonomous Systems; ThDPTh #43

GraphDB Newcomers; Data PM; ML Engineers; ThDPTh #42

Thoughtful Friday: Why Quora Will Die - There Is No Such Thing as a Stagnating Platform

🐰 Airbyte's wrong turn; Metadata lake; A modern data stack in 5 mins; ThDPTh #41 🐰

News From Sven - Data Mesh Handbook, Data Meshes Suck, and Datacisions

🐰 Dbt; Matt Turck; Apache Airflow; ThDPTh #40 🐰

🐰 #39 ThoughtWorks Tech Radar, OS Incentives and GitHub's CoPilot; ThDPTh #39 🐰

🐰 #38 Data Meshes, Data Meshes, and more Data Meshes! ThDPTh #38 🐰

🐰 #37 The Data PM, Erik Bernhardsson on Podcast, Kolibris data mesh; ThDPTh #37 🐰

🐰 #36 Tabular Icebergs, Firebolt & Data Meshes; ThDPTh #36 🐰

🐰 #35 Quick and Dirty Data Platform Guide, Dbt what’s the hype? TimescaleDB on COSS business models; ThDPTh #35 🐰

🐰 #34 Deep Analytics, AI in Surfing, AI Business is Different; ThDPTh #34 🐰

🐰 #33 Data Visualizations with Bertini, Dbt CodeGen, Open Source Commercialization on a16z; ThDPTh #33 🐰

🐰 #32 Please don’t become the next AltaVista, TikToks Algorithm, Snowflakes Difference; ThDPTh #32 🐰

🐰 #31 Starburst, Data Stack Show, We don’t need data scientists; ThDPTh #31 🐰

🐰 #30 Downfall of the Data Engineer, Open Data Collaboration, Building Mega Open-Source Projects; ThDPTh #30 🐰

🐰 #29 Sorry JPMorgan! MeltanoHub, Data Platforms; ThDPTh #29 🐰

🐰 #28 HelloFresh Data Mesh, Meltano, GitLabs COSS Business Model; ThDPTh #28 🐰

🐰 #27 Data people are short in supply, Dbt Labs out in the open, how to make data engineers love their work; ThDPTh #27 🐰

🐰 #26 Future of Data Engineering, Personalization & ML Observability; ThDPTh #26 🐰

🐰 #25 TechStyles modern data platform, ETL needs OS, is Airflow good enough?; ThDPTh #25 🐰

🐰 #24 Measuring data teams, dagster & airbyte & meltano again; ThDPTh #24 🐰

🐰 #23 Revive Dead Dashboards, terminusDB, DX; ThDPTh #23 🐰

🐰 #22 AI Whisky, Data Business Models, Data Version Control; ThDPTh #22 🐰

🐰#21 SQLFluff, Data Orchestrators, Decoupling BIs; ThDPTh #21 🐰

🐰 #20 Airbytes CDK, Querybook & Data Discovery Platforms; ThDPTh #20 🐰

🐰 #19 E(t)L(T); Manual Data Checks; Rise of the Data Engineer; ThDPTh #19 🐰

🐰 #18 Hot OSS Data Projects, Agile Data Roadmaps, Data Mesh Exec. Brief; ThDPTh #18 🐰

🐰 #17 Singer SDK, Data as a Product, Readmes for Data; ThDPTh #17 🐰

🐰 Self-Service at GitLab, Data Mesh at DeliverHero, Data Catalogs vs. Data Discovery; ThDPTh #16 🐰

🐰 Designing great Dashboards, Breaking Productive Databases, DBT Coding Conventions; ThDPTh #15 🐰

πŸ’₯ Neural IMA, Explainable AI, Time Series Forecasting; ThDPTh #14 πŸ’₯

πŸ’₯ Functional Data & ML Engineering, Evolutionary Data Architectures; ThDPTh #13 πŸ’₯

πŸš€ The Future of BI is OS, md5() in SQL, Kitagawa on Platforms; ThDPTh #12 πŸš€

🎁 Building Data Platforms, Data Team Topologies, Measuring Data Platform Duccess; ThDPTh #11 🎁

β˜€οΈ From ETL to EL(T), Meltano & Airbyte, B/G Deployments for Data; ThDPTh #10 β˜€οΈ

β˜€οΈ Data Mesh Slack Community, Reverse ETL, Data Product SLAs; ThDPTh #9

Data Meshes, Data Testing, TDD for Data Teams; ThDPTh #8

Data Product Management, Data Error Cascades, One Piece Flow, Don’t Fix Data Bugs; ThDPTh #7

LakeFS, Boundary-layer, SQLPad; ThDPTh #6

Graph Embedding Engines, Real Graph Learning & Topological Learning; ThDPTh #5

Cloud Data Warehouses, CI & CD for DWH, CD4ML; ThDPTh #4

DataOps Testing, AirBnBs Quality Initiative, Testing with dbt; ThDPTh #3

Three Surprising Books Every Data Guy Should Read…; ThDPTh #2

Simple Data Discovery, Modern Data Architectures & Data Meshes; ThDPTh #1